s2 fuel economy

it occurred to me that I rarely get more than 180 miles out of a full tank of fuel… in fact usually I’m averaging closer to 150-160 miles.

my driving is mostly around town and dual carriageways - but is this kind of fuel economy normal?

how many miles are you getting to a full tank?

As I see it these type of cars should not be gauged on how many miles to the tank they can do but by how much of a smile they put on your face…

If it is the case of it costing too much then you need to look at getting a cheaper car!! (sorry, dont mean that to sound nasty in any sense…)

My Exige S is working out at around 220 miles per tank (25mpg av)?

I am using it daily but only 8 miles each way to work, about half of which the engine is up to temp and it gets bounced off the limiter a couple of times.

Not sure if that is good or bad, but it is a wee bit better than my old 911 (21mpg av).

At most about 220-240 from a tank on “cruising” motorway trips.

Round town, daily driving, about 180-200. Early morning run at 9/10 all the way, about 70 (if that).

As I see it these type of cars should not be gauged on how many miles to the tank they can do but by how much of a smile they put on your face…

If it is the case of it costing too much then you need to look at getting a cheaper car!! (sorry, dont mean that to sound nasty in any sense…)

I think petrol plays a major cost in running a car,

All this “if you cannot afford it dont buy one” crap is only some thing a well off person would say and is no help to anyone.

its about time manafactures told us the true cost of running cars.

I have just brought a Cayman S over an RS4 because they are said to do 26 Mpg combined, I am getting 20 which does piss me off a little as I do 15,000 miles a year which adds �900 a year to my running costs.

yes I can afford it but �900 buys me a Porsche short shift and 3 track days.

I still love the new car and it puts a smile on my face but to work out its going to cost you another �900 is an arse.

Its probably the driving around town that is hurting your economy. I can get over 250 miles out of a tank. Don’t go fast on the motorway as the drag from the aero will really hurt the economy.

I have just brought a Cayman S over an RS4 because they are said to do 26 Mpg combined, I am getting 20 which does piss me off a little as I do 15,000 miles a year which adds �900 a year to my running costs

I was lucky if my (v8) RS4 got more than 200 miles to a tank combined! The fuel economy in that car is really poor mate…in any case you probably would of ended up car jacked… Like me

Back on topic though is an Exige really a car you look at with fuel economy in mind 180 sounds ok to me

I get 26 mpg cruising down the hwy and a whopping 9-11 mpg in the canyons, less on track…

I think petrol plays a major cost in running a car,

All this “if you cannot afford it dont buy one” crap is only some thing a well off person would say and is no help to anyone.

its about time manafactures told us the true cost of running cars.

Get real man…

If you’d just bought a Ford Mondeo then perhaps you have something to gripe with, but you cant go out buying �30k+ sports cars that do 0-60 in sub 5sec’s and handle better than just about anything else on the road, then start moaning how much they cost to run and that they dont do many miles to the gallon and the tyres dont last long and insurance this and tax that…

At least Im totally honest with myself and know what I let myself in for before I commit to buying and I know I can not only afford to purchase but I can also afford to run and maintain it… As for your comment “Only a wealthy person would come out with that crap” well your wrong. How much money you have has nothing to do with it… How much common sense you have is more like it!!

How much common sense you have is more like it!!

Says the man who has bought a 211


No offence man, but have you had a bad day at work, or forgotten that this is Exiges.com and not SELOC!

I monitor fuel consumption on all my vehicles and use it as a indicator of general wellbeing. It’s a perfectly valid question to ask others what they get - it just increases the sample size.

I monitor fuel consumption on all my vehicles and use it as a indicator of general wellbeing. It’s a perfectly valid question to ask others what they get - it just increases the sample size.

I would agree with this… (i dont have a lotus)

My petrol consumption was awful recently, and it turned out the PCV system was blocked causing all sorts of problems, including crap petrol consumption…

Sorry Steve, I should have dotted a few more smilies around my first post… Or perhaps not posted at all? But hey, life would be dull if we all though the same mate!!

(I can be a little black and white at times, just ignore me folks).

Fuel comsumption was not something I even considered when I purchased the car tbh, it was soley bought for w/e use and t/d’s with the aim of having fun (when the fuel gauge reads empty - put some more in). Obviuosly if it was guzzling it down like nobodies business for no apparent reason then I would look into it, but to scrutinize it down to the last drop every time you go out for a drive would take the edge of it for me somewhat. That is not what the car is about (in my mind anyway). Now the company van on the other hand…

For 4yrs I ran the old V6 twin turbo Audi RS4 as a daily runner, but as much of a fantastic car as it was, in all fairness it cost a small fortune just to keep the bloody thing on the road with a never ending list of bills…

If you think owning a lotus is expensive try -

tyres �1000 a set (every 10 -15k miles depending on what brand you had on)
Front brakes �1000
rear brakes �500
10k intrim service �280-�400
40k cam belt service �1000
average mpg 18 -19 (if you were lucky)
extended warranty costs �1200 per yr (5k for new turbos you want warranty)
And on, and on, and on (for 93,000 miles on)…

I’m not crying over it now though mind (or then for that matter) as I was fully aware of the costs involved and just paid the bills as and when they were needed, That is all part and parcel of owning that type of car, which is exactly same with the Lotus.

Then I start to read posts on forums dedicated to high performance vechicles (Lotus, Audi, whatever) which go along the lines of -

Is it supppose to use so much feul? Im only getting so many miles form a set of tyres? cost of insurance, brake pads, a light bulb…

Well der, youv’e got yourself a [fill in expensive car name here] but for the sake of this argument - a �50,000, 2 tonne german uber-barge that churns out 400 bhp to all 4 wheels which you will eventually want to bring to a halt again at some point (not to mention the small refinery also needed to service it).

What on earth did you think it was going to do?? Open sail to catch a wind and ride down the road floating on a bed of air? Then throw out anchor to catch a rock when you want to stop?

No- it going to use petrol brakes and tyres…It just amazes me how many people seem to go into it totally blind…

Sorry Ill shut up now before i dig my hole any deeper


I really quite like the old V6 RS4’s and you’ve now put me off one

I think the point about petrol is,

there is no way you can do what the manufactures claim

so if you are on a tight spend with all brains up top,
you will have worked out how much a car will cost to run.

The point is none of the cars i have had even get close and thats testing on the motorway at 60 Mph.

my new car states 26 combined

well i get 23 at 60 mph with no use of the throttle and 14 Mpg with my foot to the floor.( which i never do now)

Combind that and you get about 20Mpg over all and driving normal, I hardly floor it now because of the costs.

adding close to �1000 for running costs.

I know how much tyres, insurance, service are etc etc and I set aside an ammout to cover all that, but now I need to find another 1k.
The only reason you dont think about it is because you can afford it and does not even cross you mind.

Even when I had my Clio Trophy figures were 34 Mpg and I brought that to save money after the CSL ( 17Mpg) but I still only managed 30Mpg over the year of ownership.

I do agree a little about the lotus as I have no idea what that did, it was my fun weekend car so I never worked it out.

But some people have these as an only car and may have saved 5 years to get one and worked out all the costs.

I also agree that for a sports car they are cheap as chips to run, but not if your on 20k wage and expecting to get 35Mph

It seems at the moment I am getting worse fuel economy. That’s fairly normal but I think the oil I have is a bit too thick for the current temperatures even when the engine is warmed up. A switchable oil cooler bypass would be a cool thing for winter!

A switchable oil cooler bypass would be a cool thing for winter!

Couldn’t you just blank off the intake on the clam

A switchable oil cooler bypass would be a cool thing for winter!

That would be a thermostat then?

Sorry Steve, I should have dotted a few more smilies around my first post… Or perhaps not posted at all? But hey, life would be dull if we all though the same mate!!

Apology not accepted…if you really meant it, you’d offer a ride in the 2-11

A switchable oil cooler bypass would be a cool thing for winter!

Couldn’t you just blank off the intake on the clam

I guess so! I will investigate!