s2 delivery

stratton phoned last week to say that delivery on my s2 is delayed due to production problems and will be a month later than the original date ‘a chuffin month’ its been two months already and was going to pick it up in two weeks, not even a brochure to help me sleep.

The glossy brochures have been produced - good quality items they are too

No problems with the similarly spec’d 111R production…Mine’s arrived early

No problems with the similarly spec’d 111R production…Mine’s arrived early

thats strange i was told that all the toyota engine cars had been delayed 111rs and exige, they also told me they have sold there demo car and a pre spec car because of the waiting time for a new car.

I believe they were having supply problems with the Exige seats.

It only takes one component to mess it up.

If they’ll confirm it is the seats, try getting them to supply the car with 111R seats and get them swapped in the few weeks by the dealer. I’d have thought they be glad to get another out the door (especailly if you hint at cancelling the order! ).


i chose the touring pack over the perfomance pack purely because i dont like the harnesses on the p pack seats and as the performance pack adds no perfomance to the car it made sense to go for the touring pack, the touring seats are the same as the 111r with exige stiched on them.

Hi Moomin,
I was told by the dealer that some cars arrived a little early, & some a little late. No specific reason though.
I too went for the (girlie?) touring spec, & did not settle for the next available unallocated car about to go into production.
Try pushing your dealer for more info.Good luck.