S2 Carbon Rear wing Now SOLD

Big Adjustable S2 Carbon Rear wing �350

Is that Noddy’s house you are in ??

Santa,s grotto ??

My iPhone seemed to make a mess of the colours and it was cold outside

Lets see the new one then…

How wide is that Ade, also have you got a photo of the underside?:slight_smile:

Now if it were adjustable via a servo from the dash I would be impressed …

there was a US company offering such a wing…

Or Rupert’s trousers! :smiley:

had to look that one up - you surely meant jumper

LOL, Steve - you’re 100% correct :smiley:

I’ll take a photo at the weekend :slight_smile:

you know what it is like, you sold it to me :wink: but I’ll drop you a picture over the weekend and it is 1250mm wide I think with 225mm cord I will measure it when I take some more pictures

:smiley: Yeah but it wasn’t mine ;)Thanks mate :slight_smile:

It is 1240mm long and the width (cord) is 270mm
I’ll upload some more pictures when I get the time

More pictures as requested

Ah damn yes I remember now - no good for my idea then :frowning:

Any more interest before I send it the way of Seloc? Toby?

Now reduced :frowning:

Did JFK and me not write in this thread yesterday…Strange!