S2 Black Exige in Olney Bucks?

Spotted a dark coloured exige in Olney Bucks last night and then again this morning, wondered if it was anyone on here?

Guess thats me what were you driving ?

I am currently using my firms car at the moment (Focus!!)
I live in Rushden but work in Olney on the Ind est. I currently own a S2 135R Saffron yellow elise which I purchased last April after selling my S1 New aluminium 190 exige, prior to that I had a S1 Titanuium elise. All the cars I have used to travel to work in the summer. I still think one day I may go for the S2 exige as they are more road usable. Yours looked a picture when I followed you the other day, I then see it parked on the market square the following morning so guessed it must be owned locally. Where did you purchase it from?

Yep, I live in Olney and this is my first Lotus. Was originally looking for an Elise but then I saw the first pics of the S2 Exige and following a test drive that was it, I’ve been used to high revving machines (Integra Type R, Civic Type R, S2000 and plenty of bikes) so the yoto engine to me is a blast

I bought it from Wilsons Lotus, not very local but they had a demo and a couple of S2’s in stock, mind you I’m struggling to find someone more local, who do you use ??

Hi Ian,
I use Storm at Leicester, I bought the 135R new from them after selling the exige. If you look back to June last year on this site, you will see I had a very bad experience with them at the first service, having said that, they have looked after me since so I will be going back there for my second service in June.I test drove the S2 exige at Storm and loved it, but my finances could not stretch that far so I opted for the 135R as a next best. My S1 exige was mint with less than 7000 miles when I sold it. The main reason it had to go was the A509 from Wellingborough to Olney at 7.30 in the morning was always 30mph-40mph nose to tail and with it being the 190BHP it was very very lumpy so your left leg was working overtime, had I known at the time I was getting a company car I may well have kept it, having said that I love the 135R (and the roof comes off,which keeps the wife happy).
I see you have owned a Integra, that was one of my options had I moved away from Lotus, but the style of the elise/exige I think is hard to beat.
Will have to catch up sometime.

I actually looked at the 135R when they came out a few years back but didnt quite make the change at the time as I hadnt had the S2000 long.

Will try and give Storm a go in the future, hope to see the 135R in the spring .