S1 Inlet Trunking Wanted

As mice have found mine delicious, has anyone a spare inlet duct and conical filter? And some inhumane mouse traps?


Hi Kurt - that’ll teach you to keep the Exige all warm and snug in the garage :wink: - its too cold for 'em outside…

I had the exact same problem a few years ago the little vermins even built a nest in the airbox…

If you don’t source said items let me know as I have new items of both but intended hanging onto 'em for a rainy rebuild day. :slight_smile:


Oh, how right you are! The car is still dead since the removal of your T/B’s, as I was determined to sort out the throttle cable issue (it’s a new one, and it’s too long). I’ve removed the cable bracket off the TB that Tony sorted and in doing so, I think I’ve undone his good work. Anyway, I’ll have a look at it myself when I get my shiney newly manufactured bracket back from the engineers. As the car was in bits, the mice chose to use the inlet trunking as a bed, and the airfilter for food. I was seething, but am calmer now! Its just the cotton liner thats taken the brunt but I can’t risk that being sucked into the intake and my car only runs one filter (Scholar idea?), so I’ll keep my ear to the ground.
I just want the K running again now, it needs to be given its head!
Oh and I’m seriously thinking of leaving it outside to freeze the little buggars out (when it gets cold)!

A mate of mine who is into XJS’s (I know) had a problem where some form of vermin used some impossible to reach part of the innards of his XJS as a nut store! Apparently everytime he went around a corner it was like someone was playing the Maracas :smiley:

I may have this part left over from when I stripped my Exige. It’s at my warehouse so could have a look later today or tomorrow. Not sure what state it’s in though, so could send a picture if you give me your email address.


Hi Jamie,

PM sent,
