S1 geo

Hi Guys,

I set the suspension geo on my Exige to 340R road settings early this year, and having corrected the massive 7 degree toe out (!!) I now have a bit of an under steering car when I’m pressing on.

Years ago, Martin Edwards set the geo on my Elise and made it utterly sublime, that car was just beautiful on the road and perfect for me on the track. I haven’t a clue what settings he used, but I’d love to replicate that feel.

Is it possible to get a similar feel on the Exige with its bigger wheels? I’ve always seemed to experience the steering wheel tugging around, and not as much feel through the wheel as I’d like. That Lancaster bend at Blyton always feels like a wrestling match as I seem to have to saw at the wheel to keep it on the line. That said I’ve not tracked it since setting the current geo.

The car is primarily a road car and I’m almost embarrassed to say I did only 1800 miles in it last year. For 2017 I want to stop feeling guilty about using it (it’s done 40k miles, I worry about affecting its value, feel guilty about having a couple of hours away from the family on something so self indulgent), I need to stop looking at Nomads and just get out in it, on track too.

So what geo does it need? Who’s doing it (as I have lost the facility)? And will I ever replicate that subliminal steering feel my Elise had?

North Lincolnshire

Rob Boston @ Gainsborough is the man to take it too and local to you.

He set up my S1 and it’s never handled so great :sunglasses:

I have a 340R and tbh I don’t like the handling compared to the S1.

Hi Kurt, you probably need more front camber than the 340R road set up.

For road use I have it set around 1.2 degrees with 0.5mm toe out but what works for me may not for you.

On trackdays I take out 2mm of shims put tipex on the edge of the tyres and adjust if necessary.

The rear should be OK if you’ve done it to the 340R road settings.

Suspension settings are subjective and all depend on a varying number of circumstances.

