S1 Exige wanted...

Anyone got a yellow, black or titanium Exige they are thinking of selling in the near future ?


Could be worth sending Brod a pm:


Dunno if that helps…


Thanks David…

Could be a possibility, but was thinking of a honda conversion for it, so seems a waste if Broms has just had a refresh done…

If you�re after a conversion project, maybe this one might be more what you�re looking for?

Pistonheads Clicky


Yeah…have been thinking of that one…

Any idea how much a full respray would be ? I don’t dislike the colour, but was thinking I should at least try and get the colour I really like.

God that makes me sound like a great big nancy boy.

Any idea how much a full respray would be ?


As you’re in the NW, the guy who did mine, Stephen Mattison, is your man for a respray. Car panels would be completely stripped down etc.& Stephen specialises in Lotus cars. Give him a ring on 0779 2091737 for a quote

Thanks Rob !

Will I need to be sat down ?

Thanks Rob !

Will I need to be sat down ?

No, bent over

You could make it easy and just sell me your nice Yellow beasty Steve ?

you sold that csl now then dave?

Nope…it’s still up for sale…might have to put it back to standard as I’ve had loads of offers for the mods !

You could make it easy and just sell me your nice Yellow beasty Steve ?

Let me think about that for a while…


In case anyone is interested… my CSL is up for sale and could take an S1 in part-ex :-


That silver exige lives at Hest Bank near Lancaster. If you live in north-west might be worth a trip.
