S1 Exige Wanted

Dont laugh lol ! :slight_smile: Just miss my old one…

the 2 on PH at the mo are not suitable …

If anyone knows of one for sale pls ping me on seloc…

im Diego Milano over there…


Pats Ex Diago Milano S1 tucked up in my garage :clap:

Will keep a look out.

Hi my S1 is for sale 2001 37000 miles 190 full mot give me a ring 07939077816

hi mick

apologies i haven’t logged in in a while…

many thanks for the info … appreciated. was looking for a non silver car.

Not sure why it is still there months down the line as like you know they get snapped up quick. Was it used as a track car until 2004? Must be something putting people off. But then again it may be the current market.

LHD but looks good http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C723787#