S1 Exige please!

Silver one on face book for 45k, 14k miles.


Been talking to this chap over the last few days, hopefully it checks out.

Looks good from the scant information. In case you know/don’t know.

Motorsport seats are highly desirable, it does not have them, limited supply so no real issue.
Original suspension will make a Yip noise, it’s normal, fixed with different dampers, or enjoying the yips.
If it has aircon, it will not work.
190hp was an aftermarket upgrade, look for missing resonators on the massive air intake trunking.
Some run horribly on the std ecu, mine with the 190 upgrade is a pussy cat but was a monster, it was faulty O2 sensor. Others fixed with an emerald ecu and a remap.
Genuine VHPD will have throttle bodies and you should be able to see matching calibration marks stamped into the head and block or the letters ms2 cast into the head, below the exhaust manifold.

It will be hot, stinky, grumbly, very noisy and the best car you have ever driven.

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Thanks for this.

When you say Genuine VHPD, is that to suggest not all Exige’s are VHPD?

Always a slim chance the engine is not original. I think the v5 and serial numbers should match. The VHPD is a very special part, so worth checking.

I can send you pictures of what to look for.

Engine bay.

Stamping on head, inlet side.

Ms2 on head, exhaust side.

Stamping on head and block.

Pictures of my engine in car and spare.

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