S1 Exige official outdoor car cover now withPICS

Genuine outdoor cover, bought from a Lotus dealer.

Part number is LOTEXIGECOV according to the label.

Made by www.classicadditions.co.uk - see site.

Over �200 from dealer.

It is in a Lotus Racing Green bag with a badge, and the cover itself is also Lotus Racing Green, and when on the car it has a 8" diameter Lotus badge on the nose of the car. REALLY nice fit.

It has been out its bag twice, and never used on a car outdoors, in fact never on a car atall.

Use of this cover MAY help keep your wishbones in MINT NO EXPENSE SPARED condition*

*this is not a promise




A couple of people have asked for price, �75 posted…

Still got this after many pm`s but nos shows with the monies.

so bump to the top! Could get a pic of it on the car now as well, just in case thats a dealbreaker…!

PM sent.

DONT cover it… FLAUNT it!!! :smiley:

That’s a bit like saying never been tracked then showing a pic of car on track… :smiley:

To clarify the above, the car has never been driven on track with the cover fitted, so the cover is “un-tracked minty condition” :smiley:

on hold pending funds now!

[quote=jke11y]Use of this cover MAY help keep your wishbones in MINT NO EXPENSE SPARED condition*

*this is not a promise [/quote]
