S1 Exige Honda

Stunning car mate… not taken on the look of the S2-style side intakes, but that’s just me, I’m sure they do the job better than the standard items

Something for us all to aspire to… I hate to think of houw much all that cost to have done!

Mine made 273/179 at the hubs at TDi south DIn corrected. It has ben banded about that this dyno is 8% down on Abby and emerald. How true that is I don’t know. The car pulls like a train though so I am a happy bunny.

Nice car Daniel

Mine made 273/179 at the hubs at TDi south DIn corrected. It has ben banded about that this dyno is 8% down on Abby and emerald. How true that is I don’t know. The car pulls like a train though so I am a happy bunny.

Nice car Daniel

Thats exactly the same as mine

it does pull quite hard doesnt it haha, been having fun in it… i look forward to every weekend now

Mine made 273/179 at the hubs at TDi south DIn corrected. It has ben banded about that this dyno is 8% down on Abby and emerald. How true that is I don’t know. The car pulls like a train though so I am a happy bunny.

Nice car Daniel

Thats exactly the same as mine

it does pull quite hard doesnt it haha, been having fun in it… i look forward to every weekend now

Wondered where my engine went???

Excellent - you do have a dyno print then?

Could one of you post it up as I really want to see a before and after SC / SC + IC as i think the dark side is a certainty if i can convince myself that the SC + IC combo works.

Excellent - you do have a dyno print then?

Could one of you post it up as I really want to see a before and after SC / SC + IC as i think the dark side is a certainty if i can convince myself that the SC + IC combo works.

Yes i do have a print but its a home somewhere and im currently staying at the gf’s, as middo said it pulls very hard with little effort lol, def worth considering! think my final figures were 273.2bhp and 178lbs. i have the charge cooler being fitted in a few weeks time so will be getting another dyno print out from that

I do but not to hand as I am at work and its up norf in me gaff. I did try to post it on dynoplot but I can’t seem to get an account.

The plots on there though are all very similar though, The honda with DC5 seems very consistant

The technology beyond you?

Drop stu and email if you get chance - he is alway improve DP and needs feedback on issues like that.

Post up/email the graph and I am happy to plot it for you, getting to be quite a dab hand with the Dp digitiser.

Cynical mode on /

Are all the plots from the same Dyno very consistant or are the graphs from different dynos consistant ??

I just dont trust “closed door” dyno sessions … you know - “sorry because of H&S you cant look and so you need to go and have a cup of tea and a sandwhich down the road … when you come back it will be finished …”

Cynical mode off /

Cynical mode on /

Are all the plots from the same Dyno very consistant or are the graphs from different dynos consistant ??

I just dont trust “closed door” dyno sessions … you know - “sorry because of H&S you cant look and so you need to go and have a cup of tea and a sandwhich down the road … when you come back it will be finished …”

Cynical mode off /

Well i watched my car on the dyno at TDi as did others on the day. Ccomparing it with similar spec cars that have been there there is very little in it.

Some could call you cynical - others could call you prematurely wise Mr D

I tend to the cynical

But with the K20 its worth bearing in mind that these are pretty unmolested engines - they are all pretty uniform and out of the box, so no differences in porting, profiles blah blah.

Its only when you either;

  1. cock up the mapping
  2. have a duff engine
  3. screw up the exhaust (like a certain northern company who tried a 4:2:1 and paired up the wrong outlet ports or me trying a 4 pipe straight through exhaust )

that you would actually expect the results to be different.

So this sincliars car http://www.dyno-plot.co.uk/dyno/dynoplot/id%3D514%26but_sea%3Dqs/Lotus-Exige-Sinclairs.htm is just likely to have summat wrong with it.

That said - a decent dyno guy can pretty much give you whatever figures you want and it like a good card trick, even if you are standing next to him you wont see how its done. I have had this demo’d to me on a hub dyno, and everyone remembers the Church Automotive scandal.

Thats why peak power figures are pretty meaningless - its the curve that matters as the whole curve is pretty hard to change, and its also the crucial part of things - you don’t drive peak power, you drive some portion of the curve.

Its also about change - thats why I would love to see this new plot as its likely to have an IC install and be dyno’d at the same place which is a pretty decent dyno) so its a rare oppo to actually get a decent SC vrs SC & IC install on the same (ish) car.