Anyone interested in a meet up in Yorkshire Dales?
Looking to organise a catch up with fellow Exige owners if there is enough interest.
The usual format of some pub grub, pint and a route through nice rds and scenary.
Suggestion to meet at Boroughbridge Morrisons car Park as it is an easy to reach location off motorway and proceed for a drive through the the Dales with a stop off for food/drink
Meet point; Wetherby Road, Boroughbridge, York YO51 9UR. 10:30am
trip route image below takes you through some beautiful areas with unforgetable views. Very biassed being a local to it.
Sorry, only just seen this. Sadly, I’m away in the Lakes, probably up some mountain or in the pub. Great idea, though and happy to join up for another meet in that area sometime. I hope you get few to join you.
Hi, Tim,
I’m up staying with an old friend for a couple of nights with a bit of walking thrown in. Now I’m in the Cumbria Lotus group I’ll keep in touch and get up for a few meets. Sorry I missed the last one on Saturday.