Rubber Nipple cover thingy

With the wheels off and the car on axle stands, I decided to wire brush the front callipers and deep clean them.

The wire flush flicked the rubber cover for the brake bleeder. :blush: I spent 20mins looking for it without success, god knows where its gone.

Anyone have a spare?

I’ve got a load somewhere, pm your address and I can send one out… They’re pennies for a bag full tho on eBay!

Fonzey… You da man!

Postman just delivered an envelope of nipple covers.

Thank you, when this is all over, I owe you a drink.

No worries fella, just spray them with the old dettol before you fit them. Had a peculiar sneezing fit as I was stuffing the envelope :laughing:

“Hi love, I’m just anti-backing some black nipple covers”………… is a conversation I don’t want in front of the kids :laughing: :laughing:

I’d resisted reading this thread until now for fear I might be spotted by Mrs Thommo . . . :open_mouth:


Sorry wrong thread :cry: