Rover K Series - Vs - Honda gearing...

I have had several great pax rides in the Honda cars, both N/A and S/C… Aside from the smile on the face and the great power, cannot understand the high gear ratios!

My K series S1 gets nearly to 80 mph in second , wheras I think the Honda cars dont quite even make it to 60 mph???

Dont really understand why you Honda chaps do not alter the Final Drive to get the higher 2nd gear speeds as well… I had a Type R before and yes that gearing works well in the heavier Honda… but in the light Elise it just seems too short?



My K series S1 gets nearly to 80 mph in second , wheras I think the Honda cars dont quite even make it to 60 mph???

I can’t think of a circuit where I use 2nd apart from as I pull out the pitlane

I’m sure some people have looked at changing the final drive but tbh I’m pretty happy as it is.

Agree with Benja - 4th gear is good for anything between 25mph & 120mph, coupled with the cam swap window between 3500rpm & 5000rpm, means that on eg Donington you only need to use 4th & 5th.

Using 6th, I believe Vmax is in excess of 160mph, although I personally have not been anywhere near that…in the UK

In saying that, I really loved 2nd gear with the VHPD too

Remember Honda has 6 gears to 5 in K-series box so 1st is lower and top is higher in the Honda gearbox.

i would agree i think all the honda gears need raising a bit as i never even used 1st gear so whats the point in being there. I think CPL now do a different final drive for them which is better but it only makes them something like 5 - 10 mph diffence.