Rockingham Tues 30th April (BookaTrack)

Provisionally booked now.

i might sign up to this nearer the time, Tuesday’s not ideal for me

Booked and paid.


Good news Dave.

Its gonna be like Modified Live with us lot there,…not a vaguely standard car amongst us :laughing:

Mine looks stock if that counts :nerd:

Bringing guys from work - one 240hp dry sumped XE westie and another 'busa powered westie

going to try to organise the day off for this now, have not done Rockingham for a couple of years and love the track

anyone up for heading up the night before and doing a hotel + beers?

Aye but I’ll probably be leaving late (about 8:30pm) once I’ve discharged my responsibilities and had a bite to eat…

Pets aren’t allowed on trackdays bud :eh:

Na, probably head up at 6am in the morning

yeah happy to leave late too, will keep Mrs B happy

Nice to be fresh for the TD.


Right lads, the remaining places are going fast so get in there!!!

Also a reminder to sort your insurance out.

Tim and his mate wanted someone to share an instructor for the day, so the three of us have booked Jamie Stanley for the day :sunglasses:

One week to go…

I’m out, there’s a rockingham day in May on the weekend which works out better for me


I am down as a provisional, lots to consider just now… might make it




6 places remaining

Nice one Ian, I’ve ordered weather like today.

Share in tuition with Jamie also now available if anyone is interested…


5 left

Come on, more Exiges! :slight_smile: