Rockingham - Apr 3rd

Anybody considering this with Bookatrack?

Is there a Roland Brinkman or Jerzy Krol here? I see you’re both provisionals.



Roland used to live in Scotland, & was at the first trackday we did at Donington in September 2001. I’ve seen his name a few times since then, as an attendeee, at various Bookatrack days, but none which I’ve been to.

Ian, Pesky,

I’m still in Scotland, which is the reason why I can’t attend that many events down south anymore these days. What I usually do is select 4-5 track days back-to-back, then drive south for a week to make it worth the miles. I’m doing this in the week commencing 28th March, starting at Silverstone (Gold Track) and ending at Rockingham (BaT) with three tracks in between.

Ian, if you’re attending Rockingham then let me know. Would be nice to meet up.


Will do. Although I think you’d spot me!


All signed up now Roland, see you there.

4 Exiges so far, and only 5 places left, so hurry if you’re interested.


Booked yesterday will be a good pre Croft warm up/test with the new springs.

Have you done this circuit before?

Nop, should be fun learning, and a final run on the std suspension for the old beast.


Nop, should be fun learning, and a final run on the std suspension for the old beast.


You’ll probably need new pads too

Does it destroy them then?

I’d have thought that the rather long run around the banking would allow them to cool - circuit map

My RS14s are quite new but I probably should order some more though, anybody know anywhere that does them and SRF (there doesn’t seem to be much of that about at the mo)?


Have you tried Plans ?


It’s a couple of years since I drove there, but at that time they put a chicane in half way along the “pit straight” to really slow you down (ie some heavy braking from over 100mph to 30mph), & you also kept on the banked track right until the “hairpin” where you turned off into the inner circuit before T2 (again some very heavy braking, quite soon after the chicane). These 2 heavy braking sections from high speed were quite close together, & murdered brakes. I should also point out that on my day there I was driving one of Lotus/Rockingham’s Exiges, not my own. I “rejected” the first car after 3 laps as the discs were completely warped when hot, which made the car undriveable!

For racing (& this may now be the case for trackdays - I just don’t know), there is no chicane mid straight, but you turn off the banked circuit just before T1, & then re-join the banked circuit just after T1. This is in effect a chicane, but is taken at speed, & may not be a killer for the brakes.

Why don’t you give Jonny a ring & find out the present score - you may have nowt to worry about, & Blink Motorsport may well be there with spare pads?

In any event, enjoy yourself

PS James Burnett (ex Lotus Motorsport technician) now works at Rockingham, & he is a knowledgable friendly guy to chat with if he’s around

Thanks Rob


I’ll be there but in one of the BaT cats. Ring Blink up and they will probably be able to bring whatever bits you need and fit them during the day.

Just been out and checked them the there’s loads left.

I’ll order some more but I’m sure it won’t be a problem for the 3rd.

Thanks for the tips though chaps.

See you Sunday week then Steve.


Really looking forward to it now - seems ages since I last did a trackday and Rockingham is, I feel, an under rated circuit.

See you there

Excellent day and really good circuit, for my second trackday, proof also the S1 Exige is one hell of machine. New springs 350lb front and 400lb rear really improved the stability and were suprisingly comfortable on the journey there.
Lotus were carrying out some endurance testing of the new supercharged 240 and on new tyres it was quicker but not by much. Maintenance on the 240 is going to be difficult as they filled the area above the engine with a large intercooler. Still good to see the factory not afraid to test so publicly.
Pleased to put some faces and cars to some names and good to see the Exiges out in force with all the Caterfields.
Ian, are you posting some pictures somewhere?
Roll On Croft.

Lotus were carrying out some endurance testing of the new supercharged 240

Was that the orange one with two white stripes?

Yep, seperate posting incoming…