Richard Burns

Well, as I�m sure you all know it�s the anniversary of Richard Burns� tragic death, so, I thought I�d post up this video I came across a while back…

YouTube Clicky

The guy has always been a bit of a hero to me (even went to my school)… I guess I kinda like to think that he and Beefy are off having their own little rally somewhere…


It’s such a sad loss. I’m sure he would have been the Schumacher of the Rally world. He was a thoroughly nice guy when I met him, and a pleasure to work with.

I was thinking about Richard Burns today for the same reason. 2 weeks or so ago, my best friend died of a brain tumour and he was a real petrolhead and ex rally driver. He was diagnosed just before Richard Burns died.

I copied this from a British Rally forum last year - it reduced me to tears. The story sounds very typical of the type of man Richard Burns was. He will be missed and he will be remembered.

"I am sorry to say that i have just been informed by Steve Bennet of Ross On Wye that Richard Burns passed away this evening he had been extremely ill for some time- our thoughts must be with his friends and family-although i must mention an incident in the Hilton in Cardiff after he retired on the last rally he ever did on British soil when i walked into the bar with my 7 year old son James who was wearing a Subaru fleece and cap- RB was sat there with Robert Reid having a beer- we sat down ordered a drink with just the 4 of us in the bar - after a few minutes a marketing girl from peugeot came up to me and asked if my son James could go and meet Richard and Robert obviously i said yes and the next thig i saw was James in the middle of them- the same girl said that she would try to find some pictures to have autographed unfotunately none around so RB stood uo unzipped his overalls took of his tee shirt and signed it- that to this day is framed and above my lads bed and when i walked in to tell him the news i filled up when i saw it hanging on the wall- but what a bloody nice bloke to have done that- i would also like Robert Reid to know that the gesture was appreciated . "

A very untimely, tragic death - he achieved so much in such a short time - that story sums him up totally a really nice guy - heard so many similar stories about him, no surprise he is so missed