Reverie seats.

Evening all,
The new motor has some mulsanne b seats in. Sadly the previous owner didn’t buy the reverie padding and it has what looks like normal exige trim velcro’d on. Looks ok, but it’s wafer thin in the back and because I have giraffe features it’s given me a carpet burn… Ha ha ha ffs…

I want to order the reverie padding but unsure what would be suitable… Does anyone know the difference between the Nylon, fia spacer or diminica…

I’ve been told they are all 9mm thick, so is it just a looks thing…

Any help or what folks have in theirs would be helpful…

Tbh I just sit on them nude, the seat that is not me.

But I do have a neoprene pad kit I was going to get trimmed at some point.

I used the Reverie Fabric cushions on my old seat Scatty, they were excellent, really excellent. I took advice from Pesky, without cushions it got sweaty and nasty, after one hot TD I made the purchase.

Great to have you posting on here as well as our fine MLOC!

Thanks Mr F, that’s what I’ve ordered… :slight_smile:

I can’t rock up to chatsworth with the piece of carpet I have behind the seat. It’s proper grandad styley…

Lol you’d get away with it…maybe not :laughing:

Explaining to Mrs Scatt that that’s where the carpet burns came from though is a different matter…

You just need some thicker underlay behind the carpet Scatty hahahahah

That carpets worked a treat… Coupled with a drying towel behind as well, you can’t go wrong…

Reverie pads should be here this week… Shame my cars at Hangar for the bits to be fixed…

I only have the back rest part of my cushioing in, i found the base put me a little high in the car and i have enough padding of my own for it not to matter LOL

Ahhhh that’s a good idea ade… The back part of the padding looks fantastic, loads better than what’s there at present. I collect the car Saturday so looking forward to seeing if this new cushioning works…

For me, the padding was not needed for “normal comfort purposes” (as in pressure on bones etc) but purely to provide an area for air to circulate & limit the production of sweat particularly on a decent road journey (does’t matter that much on track when wearing a racesuit).