Retirement project for Pesky?

It’s in the right part of the world too :sunglasses:

Spanners out Rob

Sorry lads - Esprits are not my cup of tea at all. After driving the pristine 300 Sport that Russ once owned, I was convinced that they were in fact…horrid! :frowning:

The 300 Sport is meant to be the pick of the bunch. What didn’t you like about it? I remember Russ once saying to me that he wished he still had it :astonished:

Hi Tim - yep supposed to be the one to have if you can find one for sale. Probably just me, but I found it impossible to get a good/safe driving position - pedal offset was uncomfortable, the gear stick mounted too high & too far back (making gearchanges tricky), the finish/upholstery cheap & nasty. Overall build quality & finish was a total joke for a car costing £60k+ back in the day.For me the only good point was the way it went round corners - no doubt thanks to Gav Kershaw’s input. Oh, & the engine was somewhat rough, but plenty of poke when on overboost. In the hands of the person with the requisite skills & physical attributes it may well be a supercar…but not for me. I don’t even like the looks of the Esprit. All the foregoing are my totally personal views of course, so should be read in that light & not meant to cause offence to anyone! It’s just that I know what suits me & what doesn’t so I tell it as I see it purely through my own eyes.

I have driven an S2 and a V8. Cabin layout in the V8 still had similarities to my old Europa TC :astonished:

I do love a nice Esprit though. Couldn’t live with the running costs mind.