
Im in the process of disassabling and changing every worn out part of the car. Any tips and suggestions I should be aware of?

Began yesterday by taking off the rear engine cover and one bolt snapped. then when removing the rear clam the front upper left side bolt which is hidden by the pax door decided to losen itself along with its mounting so no I will have to drill or cut it.

Any advise on what else I might find along the way?

If it ain’t broke, don’t break it…or something.

Rear clam off, roof and engine cover off. No damage done yet apart from the broken bolt on the engine cover. Will take pics and post my progress. Im going to take the engine off as well and depending on the state of the internals I might swap it out with something else.

A small update with some pics. This week I did not touch the car due to sickness. Hopefully I can resume next week.

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[image] is for sale | HugeDomains

[image] is for sale | HugeDomains

[image] is for sale | HugeDomains

[image] is for sale | HugeDomains