Request for hardtop off pics

Despite the wanky comment above,

Touched a nerve there

Despite the wanky comment above,

Touched a nerve there

Is that actually a word???

steady on pesky,
put your toys back in your pram,
seems you like to dish the banter out,
also sounds like you struggle to accept a little in return.
try it you might like it.

steady on pesky,
put your toys back in your pram,
seems you like to dish the banter out,
also sounds like you struggle to accept a little in return.
try it you might like it.

In cricket speak either a ‘No Ball’ or a ‘wide’ - 6 runs to Rob TeeHee

steady on pesky,
put your toys back in your pram,
seems you like to dish the banter out,
also sounds like you struggle to accept a little in return.
try it you might like it.

Initial appearances can be deceptive - the biggest piss taker of me is…me…with plenty of others forming an orderly queue behind. Those peeps who have been around here for a while, know that very well

My sincere, & long time, views on “roofless exiges” is not exactly a secret, & sometimes, if thrown some bait, I’ll bite, at other times I just can’t be arsed.

There are essentially two types of people who use this forum - those who can identify with, & feel “exigeness”, & those who don’t (& it’s not an S1 v S2 either). The forum was set up for the benefit of, & owes its reputation (for technical information & friendly banter) to those who understand “exigeness”.

That is all

There are essentially two types of people who use this forum - those who can identify with, & feel “exigeness”, & those who don’t (& it’s not an S1 v S2 either). The forum was set up for the benefit of, & owes its reputation (for technical information & friendly banter) to those who understand “exigeness”.

That is all

Have you considered that a soft top roof, when fitted is lighter than the hard top, has zero impact on the stiffness of the chassis and pretty much aero dynamically identical. (Obvious issues for those Lotus SC versions which may be effected by cooling for the IC).

Therefore since it is lighter, an exige with a soft top has more exigeness by definition ?

Though will put the hard top back on for the winter, since it looks better fitted then the soft top. Also for Cadwell as I daren’t turn up without it !

Therefore since it is lighter, an exige with a soft top has more exigeness by definition ?

And we all know which [color:“pink”]“camp”[/color] you fall into

steady on pesky,
put your toys back in your pram,
seems you like to dish the banter out,
also sounds like you struggle to accept a little in return.
try it you might like it.

Remember that this is a man (?) who has to be able to have his piss taken to Olympic levels, due to being a short, fat, ugly, Bill Oddie lookalike who cannot drive to save his life, cannot even get a blow up doll to look at him and had to mutate into a hermaphrodite as neither male or female of any species will have anything to do with him sexually, so I think he does pretty well.

Say it like it is Russ!!

You forgot include gravey in your description!!

I think he uses an extra think lumpy variety as lube with veronique. The lumps give him ‘extra’ pleasure!!!

I think he uses an extra think lumpy variety as lube with veronique. The lumps give him ‘extra’ pleasure!!!

I was eating my lunch when I read that …make the nasty images stop

Now sans lid

this roof off thing is growing on me.

if we get a summer I just might have a go :-0

this roof off thing is growing on me

You need a steady hand to dremel out the holes to fit the soft top roof bars

Being of the Pesky Roof On Faction (PROF) I think it looks grim.
But to paraphrase John Stuart Mill, do anything you like so long as it harms no other man.

PS: Nice colour,though

I would not piss about fitted a soft top as the roof comes off in 5 minutes

SO just take it off for a summer day to have a go, ALso costs sweet FA to do.

Can’t believe you are in Yorkshire - there’s not been a dry day to even consider this!

Being of the Pesky Roof On Faction (PROF) I think it looks grim.

Now what would a PROF be doing reading a “Request for hardtop off pics” thread ? You should have known it would only upset you.

Can’t believe you are in Yorkshire - there’s not been a dry day to even consider this!

Did the dirty deed with the dremel a few weeks ago before the deluge.
Even had the top off for half an hour today, but there was some rain in the air. No matter.

Now what would a PROF be doing reading a “Request for hardtop off pics” thread ? You should have known it would only upset you.

Good point, Well made

Given my day job, I must have mistaken it for a “hard-on pics” thread