Report from Downunder... Bathurst 1000!

WHAT an amazing 7hr 49 minute race today!!!

No names… too complicated! however, in the last 10 laps we had and EPIC finale!!! :sunglasses:

The Pole sitter and leader came into the pits for a ‘splash and dash’… then stalled the car on the getaway and they could not start it!


the new leader takes over for 3 laps, overcooks it into the Lhander at the end of the main straight and off onto the dirt losing out to the guy behind… but as he recovers onto the track, he is clipped in the rear and into a 360 spin by the 3rd place guy! Drops back to 8th.

… then the 3rd place guy (who is now 2nd) is given a drive through penalty for nudging the guy into the 360… (bit harsh me thinks)…

… so …

the NEW! leader leads away (Red Bull Holden) but is fuel critical! His pit crew are radioing him to save gas as he has 2.5 laps to go, but with fuel only for 2 laps!!! He does not acknowledge these transmissions! The second place guy pushes him really hard and drop the gap from 3 sec to less than one sec! On the last lap through the twisty bits, the leader slows to keep the second place guy from passing in impossible to pass places, thereby saving a bit of fuel! But on the long straight (Conrod straight) the leader starts weaving (fuel running out!) and the second place guys takes the lead!

… and…

the third place guy also then get by the previous leader!..

… and…

on the last corner the guys DOES round out of fuel! And gets past just before the finish line by all the guys down to 5th!

WHAT a race! Never ceases to amaze!

Won this year by a FORD too! :clap:

If you can find it on UK TV, deffo worth a watch guys!

(Sorry about the crap written commentary!) :crazy: Exhausted!

Sounds totally awesome, I’ll look out for a highlights on MotorsTV.

Attending V8’s at Bathurst is definately on my list alongwith N24.

There’s a 3hr highlights on MotorsTV pretty much every night this week and a 1hr version on some other dodgy channel, can’t recall it’s name errrr oh yeah BT Sport :wink:

Caught the last hour on MotorsTV, before Fuji WEC event.

Incidentally, MotorsTV is now on Freeview Channel 71.

Cheer Pete. I love that race! Your report has real tension, the Russian F1 could have done with a write-up by you. :smiley:

Ben, it’s on my bucket list too. I got so close until my father-in-law got sick and I had to fly home early.

Highlights set (via Sky+ on my mobile, which I still think is pretty darn cool :smiley: )

Here are the last 2 laps!

- YouTube

^ Blocked :frowning:

Bollocks! It was available last night. :eh:

Great write up Pete, will catch it later

Who had started at the back!

Sped through much of the first couple of hours of highlights (watching tarmac fail isn’t the most stimulating) but an exciting end even though I had an idea of what was going to happen.

Ian :smiley:

I had to leave some bits untold!!!

So typically Ozzy fixing the tarmac too!!! It would have taken less time… but the guys were entitled to a ‘smoko’ break :smiley:

Everything with an O. One of the team was sponsored by an off-licence called - Bottle-O