Replacement Keys

Do you have to get replacement ignition keys from Lotus? - or is there an alternative? - btw got the META alarm system fitted…

Thanks in advance to the collective massif

Do you have to get replacement ignition keys from Lotus? - or is there an alternative? - btw got the META alarm system fitted…

Thanks in advance to the collective massif

You been going to them dodgy house parties again, Simon?

You can just get a standard key cut and a spare Meta fob, such as:-|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318


ignition keys are Vauxhalls…

Thanks chaps - its the META reprogramming thats the problem - can this be done by a non dealer??

…can this be done by a non dealer??

Another bit of stuff on the side, eh?

Yep, as per the links I posted, they can re-program them or you can get the required code from Lotus