Repair Specialist recommendations

Left my home to travel to HPE at 5am and within five miles I had a muntjac walk out in front of me.

Travelling at 50mph it could have been worse but I now need to take my car for some fibreglass repairs and respray work.

I live in Norfolk, can anyone recommend anywhere that carry out top notch work? I’m aware of specialised paintwork and option 1 but hoped there may be somewhere closer?

Had the car back just over three weeks and ceramic coated two weeks ago :roll_eyes:

Thanks in advance…a somewhat deflated Bobby.

Totally gutted for you buddy. If it’s insurance go for Option 1 and include trialling it there. I know a few guys that would do it.

I’ve contacted Option 1 JF so will see what they come back with. They are only down the road from Dan as well :smile:
Thank you too :+1:

Bloody hell - gutted for you Rob

I used to deal with BOSS Motors at Quidenham in Norfolk for my Fibreglass panels - they used to be absolutely ace

I’m sure they would happily still daube a few splots on your new macca should the need ever arise Simon :laughing:

Oh deer.

Genuinely sorry to here that.
I’d suggest getting it to the best regardless of distance.
If lights etc damaged, or fibreglass likely to break off then it shouldn’t be driven and the insurer should get it to them by trailer. Don’t accept ‘their favoured repairer’.

Impact, Bury, Lancs. Bloody long way but dedicated bunch. And boss Mike has a beautiful Exige S1.

Yes indeedy - the respray Impact performed on my Elise was absolutely epic :slight_smile: - good call Thommo