Removing Rear View Mirror

Stupid question I know but…

How do I remove the rear-view mirror in my Exige?

It’s an S so I can’t see anything out the back anyway, it just gets in the way of forward vision.

Tried gently removing it, but it felt like I would take the screen with it as the mirror didn’t appear to be budging at all.

So whats the secret??

There is a little metal clip that you can see from outside, this has to be pressed to release the mirror.

That’ll be why it never moved then, cheers

No metal clip on the S mirror - usually!!

Can’t see clip on mine.

I’ve just fitted a camera mount on the harness bar and did a test filming. Not happy with the results as the mirror takes so much of the critical part of view out.

Had a reasonably forceful attempt to remove it but it wasn’t budging.

Has anyone removed on successfuly on an S?


Did a search on Seloc.

Instead of trying to remove the mirror and leave the balljoint stalk, you tap the base of the stalk up towards the roofline in line with the screen and it pops off really easily.

Leaves a really small mounting bracket on the screen which can’t be see from the camera as its high behind the headlining.

Cheers for posting this, will give it a try tonight.

I asked B&C about removing the mirror when I collected the car. They said you couldn’t do it without breaking the screen 50% of the time. In the end I just got so frustrated with that bloody mirror catching my attention I decided to go for it. Did what Damon said and with a bit of gentle pursuasion off popped the mirror just leaving the small black mounting.

That’s the main reason I want to take it out, I keep looking in it and it’s annoying (and that its far too big)

I have mine angled away out of the pax window. Makes it a bit smaller and gives a useful rear 3/4 view for motorways and 45 deg junctions. You get used to the view of hedgerows flashing past in it!

It’s then also ideally positioned for the wife to check her lippy… :smiley:

Ouch I remember cracking the windscreen on my 1st Exige doing this. Thank god for autoglass and stone chip protection on the car insurance policy!