Remington Supercharger

Anyone heard of these before?

Clicky Here

“It uses 2.2 amps from your alternator when turned on and doesn’t affect your car performance or battery drain.”

2.2Amps * 14 Volts = 30 Watts…Hmm how much air can that be. Considering that the Eaton Blower on a XKR Jag consumes ~50kW at max power…

“Generates 250CFM of forced air” - well the exige shifts 400+ CFM on its own so if the blower can only move 250 then it will become a restrictor at anything over ~3000rpm…

Eboosters do exist (mainly to assist laggy old school turbos at the bottom end) but with the latest VNT turbos they’re superfluous.

Same as this isnt it


Or for more power this is the way to go

I think they are from the same product range as this. Looks like some sort of streamlining item.

Thanks Bob - are you saying that I shouldn’t bother then?

No you shouldn’t bother, you hardly have any hair left anyway!!!

Thanks Bob - are you saying that I shouldn’t bother then?

Only if you need a new fan for your PC

No you shouldn’t bother, you hardly have any hair left anyway!!!

Twit! I was thinking of using it to blow the skin off me gravy

If you’re thinking of getting a charger Rob, you might as well go for the hairy chest version like Russ

I read about these electric superchargers in a magazine (don’t recall which one, max-line or evo-fast gear prob) last year, there are quite a few on the market, all claiming increased power for very little cost but the upshot was they are cr@p. The mag tested 3 or 4 on a car and all of them caused reduced power. I would imagine the draw of air from the engine would wind the fan up faster than the motors armature and you would have to wait for it to catch up before it started to drive the fan to a point where it would push any extra air into the intake, by that time you’d be through the gears and back down again. Now if it came with a free bottle of shampoo and penelope cruz I could be tempted