Recovery Services - Any problems with being collected from Track days?

Hi all,Not that I’m hoping to have to use them but has antbody had (or know of) problems with getting AA/RAC/etc to pick-up a crook car from a circuit?Cheers, Ian [image][/image]

quote:Originally posted by IDG:to pick-up a crook car from a circuit?Now there’s an admission - you’re guilty! [image][/image]With the Lotus extended warranty, you can pay an extra �50 which gives trackday cover. Whether or not the warranty itself is worth the money, is of course another story!Doesn’t answer your original question - sorry [image][/image]

quote:Originally posted by Pesky:Doesn’t answer your original question - sorry [image][/image]...but thank you for the comment. NEXT! [image][/image]

IDGIf event should occur, get a tow or push to nearest adopted road, if accident damaged ‘borrow’ trailer to cart to the same. Some years ago had to push no-go Escort out of Toddington services onto hard shoulder cos AA were not allowed to fix/look at cars in services areas! - don’t know if this is still case??

quote:Originally posted by simon:Some years ago had to push no-go Escort out of Toddington servicesYour own fault - you should have taken her somewhere romantic [image][/image]

PeskyLOL [image][/image]

Got to the bottom of this one, in case anybody is interest (and have an e-mail from them to prove it).From the AA:"…the breakdown department…have confirmed that we would recover you should you break down on a track day, as long as there was no accidental damage."They don’t even ask you what car you have, as the individual is the member, not the car. Which is great if you have more than one car! [image][/image] With home start it did come to over �100 but they will even taken a knackered car to the garage for you (not that Lotus’ ever go wrong!).Ian [image][/image]

quote:Originally posted by IDG:From the AA:"…the breakdown department…have confirmed that we would recover you should you break down on a track day, as long as there was no accidental damage."So just tell them that “you did it on purpose!” [image][/image]

AA have picked me up from Anglesey before with no questions asked.Oh… and they came out to Elvington to fix my Merc (That Mr Steve Green had already fixed really…)…although I dont think he believed it had been on track :wink: Bri

Well here is a good one for me I guess!! I am one of those “Very nice men” [image][/image] well so they say any way!!!I remember a case a couple of years ago when a recovery was refused as the car was at a track but as AA policy is constantly changing this may not be the case any more, Hang on a min I’ll phone the recovery desk and see what todays policy is!!Rite, The general consensus (yes I know I can’t spell) of opinion is that if the car is still actually on the track then we not really interested, the patrol however, would probably quite enjoy a thrash round the track in a yellow van so just don’t tell the call handler where the car actually is!!If the car is in a public area i.e pits area or car park, then it would be treated as any normal breakdown and recovered if needed.In the event of an unexpected departing of the track, then the normal rules apply as in the event of any RTA. This being that the member is made aware that if insured through AA (highly unlikely!!) then recovery free to any single destination. If any other insurance company, then we do the recovery but member has to agree to pay IF thier insurance will not reimburse us for the reccy costs.Just to give you an idea of price, most reccys are charged at �1 a mile round trip mileage + about �55 call out + VATeg 100 mile reccy �200+�55+VAT= loadsa moneyDon’t get caught without relay on your membership!!!As for the services issue, the only issue we have is jump starting on petrol forcourts, the staff there get a little funny about sparks!!! Can’t think why!!!At the end of the day most patrols should be quite helpfull, after all, we love cars which is why we do the job we do when it’s -5 degrees or pi***ng down with rain at midnight when most normal people are at home in bed. Thats your que for the violins!!! [image][/image]Happy tracking peeps

Well Dave, when your not flying around in the “van” pop down to Steventon and say hello !

Dave [image][/image]

Phil, You’ll have to send me an e-mail offline sometime so I can find you sometime.We’ll have to sort out pub meet when the weather improves and try and get all the local Lotie together [image][/image]