Rear upper balljoint plinths and steering arms.

Are these ok to blast and powdercoat? Or does it mess up the tolerances for camber settings?

Won’t upset camber but will change bumpsteer negligibly and so levels of response a similarly small amount (can’t remember which way: more or less response but could work it out if you wanted to know) as it moves the outboard end of the track rod end (F) and toe link (R) vertically.

This is why Lotus sell alternative rack mounting plates for sporty derivatives to change the bumpsteer on the front by moving the rack up or down.

I wouldn’t worry about the small change in vertical from powdercoating either end, although the rear is more sensitive, because the thickness of powdercoating is minimal.

I have I had my rear uprights powdercoated and they inadvertantly coated the surface where the balljoint contacts. I’m not worried about the effect on the bumpsteer just the fact that the powdercoating will get worn away / chewed up. Maybe get the coaters to blank that surface. I got my steering arms re-zinc plated which avoids the problem and looks more OEM anyway.

Sorry, will also affect camber slightly but will be balanced front to rear, apologies. To put it in context you need to compare camber shim thickness to powder coat thickness.

id be more worried about the bolts keeping a preload if you keep powder coat on the mating surfaces …

Do not powder coat mating surfaces…or just remove it from the mating surfaces before refitting. The powder coating is quite thick compared to paint and also quite soft. How about nickel plating instead??

Had them coated but not on the mating faces or the bores. Just the rack to fit

your discs looks like they are the wrong way round??
vanes should swoop to the back in forward motion, grooves can go either way but vanes swoop back to draw air from the middle of the disc to exit on the outer edge

yup… thats just what I meant

In pic it just looked like the vanes are going the wrong way…sorry for my mistake

I thought the same to be honest when I fitted them.