Rear subframe - Spacial anomoly

I’m in the unfortunate position of requiring a new rear subframe after a taxi ran into the back of my Chrome Orange Exige S. The car is currently in for repair at a Lotus approved repair centre, all the other bits seem to be available (even rear clamshell!) but they can’t get any date for the rear subframe appearance (has it fallen into a spacial anomoly?) Anyone know another (with a supply date) route I can get one?

I’m in the unfortunate position of requiring a new rear subframe after a taxi ran into the back of my Chrome Orange Exige S. The car is currently in for repair at a Lotus approved repair centre, all the other bits seem to be available (even rear clamshell!) but they can’t get any date for the rear subframe appearance (has it fallen into a spacial anomoly?) Anyone know another (with a supply date) route I can get one?

Good luck, i’ve been waiting 8 weeks for a loom!!

nights are closing in, winter soon

I could send you one tommorow @ �200 + vat s/hand

Don’t think the insurance will let me get away with that one unfortunately - thanks anyway