Rear spoiler

Currently searching for a rear spoiler upgrade and at the moment I can only find the EP version (which looks good), does anyone know anywhere else that sells them ?

ChrisB off of here got one from somewhere recently after he destroyed the last one attempting a barrel roll.

He does not visit much but I’ll see him next year or I can give him a bell if you need to know sooner.

Yes Please :slight_smile: , I’m not in any big rush as my car is off the road for the winter.

Im after one also

Can get them no problem, normally 2-3 weeks from order if wanting standard size. Bit longer if you want something a little larger!!

Hi…I’m looking for a 1500mm min, similar to the EP motorsport version :sunglasses:

Will make a call.

Can you give me all dimensions? Total length, chord length, distance between mountings, end plates needed or not? As much as you can really.

Can also supply S1 inner and outer pylons, once the laser cutters catch up with the orders over Xmas.

I’ll send you a pm this weekend…Cheers

John can u pm or text/email me a price for both standard curved and motorsport version. Also pylons

Can’t do the curved Exige one, only a straight, carbon motorsport one.

Will get prices as soon as supplier returns from holidays, probably after the New Year.

Also for S2…Not mine obviously!!!

No worries quote me on a motor sport one then as I’m still unsure what route i’m going down external wise.

Also let me know about the engine mount

Will do.

Should be able to get hold of the engine mounts on the way to/from the autosport show.

Great im at autosport. Unsure what stand number I am but perfect. Will email you when im back at work with the stand number. Cheers john.

I have two halves of a reverie style curved one, need bonding together and filling plus end plates and pylons! Basically you need to make it ! :wink: