Rear fog light not working on Exige S2

My rear fog light does not work and I have checked the fuses, swapped the switch, the switch pack and the bulb and still it refuses to come on. There does not seem to be a relay mentioned in parts manual, so I am really not sure what it could be other than wiring, which isn’t ideal, any ideas?



Headlights turned on when you try the foglight?

Yes. I wondered if it was an earth problem but the earth is through a splice which covers all the lights. Unless there is a bad connection on the switch itself (or the bulb). Will check those tomorrow.

It could be the infamous Switch Pack Module which seems to stop the rear fog light from working as happened to me a couple of years ago.

yes I lost rear fog and front side lights recently when switch pack module was packing up, and I checked everything else before accepting I needed to replace it.