really keeps me away from work: do I need a doctor

it’s two weeks now and still, the gossip in my office goes on:

‘he has a new girlfriend for sure’ or:
‘he must be feeling ill as he says hello, reads his e-mails and waves good bye after a few minutes!’ but: ‘no, he’s not ill, he looks so happy’… ‘no, he’s nuts I guess, look at his grin’…

if only they knew as all the week there was wonderful weather, I really didn’t care much about my work - lots of overtime to compensate, I can do this

here are some pics from the beauty (beast?)… might look familiar to you, but exciting new to me

to the gallery, click here : )


btw. I’ve owned two Elise before, but this is somehow different

I’ve just had an Exige day. It was a day off, to be fair, the weather was not too bad, I needed an MoT test. Dropped in on a pal who has an Exige, went to the garage of the man who cares for mine, blasted up the by-pass to check out a misfire. Headed for the hills, albeit a bit lower than yours in (Switzerland?). Then home to a wash. I stood back, looking at it from every angle and thought: “Christ. I’m lucky”. What a day . . and if the weather’s fine tomorrow, I’ll be out again, leaving my friends in the cycling club breathless and pedalling uphill. Can’t wait! It just gets you this way.

PS: Loved the gallery of pix.

Some great shots there, and looks like some good quiet roads to exploit the Exige. is it as quiet on the roads up there as it looks or were the photos takn in a particularly remote area ?

Thommo, where abouts in Lancs are you ?? maybe a meet over the summer when my car is finished !!

Headed for the hills, albeit a bit lower than yours in (Switzerland?).

yes, Switzerland…

I stood back, looking at it from every angle and thought: “Christ. I’m lucky”.

Agree 100% Thank you to whoever is responsible for this

. . and if the weather’s fine tomorrow, I’ll be out again, leaving my friends in the cycling club breathless and pedalling uphill.

well have fun then tomorrow

PS: Loved the gallery of pix.


Some great shots there, and looks like some good quiet roads to exploit the Exige. is it as quiet on the roads up there as it looks or were the photos takn in a particularly remote area ?

a bit both of it - of course I tried to find some quiet places to take a few first shots of the car, on the other hand for locals it is easy to find small roads with almost no traffic and no speed cameras If you guys ever came to Switzerland, I’d be more than happy to show it to you

Churchtown, near Garstang. I think I saw your car last year @ trackday Donington but didn’t get chance for a word. A meet up would be a great idea.PM me your details if you wish.

Ah Switzerland . . been out twice in last two years in the summer. A friend has a chalet in Gstaad, so stayed there. First time went down in a Jag X-type, the last year in hired Ford C Max.
Curiously I spent most of my time going up hills on a mountain bike lent to me by another pal who lives locally. Not Bernie Eccleston who, I belileve, owns an hotel in Gstaad.
Not sure I’m brave enough to cross Europe in Exige

Churchtown ?..Southport ?

Must be just down the road from me !

Nope, Churchtown, Garstang.On the road to Blackpool