Re Top Gear


With a supercharger it’s obviously more powerfull and therefore should be faster but the time was very disapointing. Only a bit faster than the non supoercharged Exige which was on a wet track. What happened ?

Something doesn’t seem quite right.

Any thoughts ?


Very cool review, must admit white looks better than my blue one. From the looks of that vid tho it really suffers from not having an lsd. Awesome car just hope my supercharger doesnt blow up again! lol

Any thoughts ?

Simple - Top Gear is an ENTERTAINMENT programme, not a serious motoring journal. Enjoy it for what it is excellent at, but for god’s sake, don’t take it too seriously The opinions/results are for “pub talk” only - nowt wrong with that, but…

I agree whole-heartedly with Mr Pesky, and is it just me, or is the cinematography absolutely stunning this year


Any thoughts ?

Simple - Top Gear is an ENTERTAINMENT programme, not a serious motoring journal. Enjoy it for what it is excellent at, but for god’s sake, don’t take it too seriously The opinions/results are for “pub talk” only - nowt wrong with that, but…

James’ sailing Triumph Herald had us falling off the sofa in hysterics tonight.

white is very nice

This is by no stretch of the imagination dig at the best program ever to have graced the airwaves (that�s Top Gear by the way). But doesn�t it sometimes feel, a bit�well�staged ?

And no I don�t mean sinking a VW camper in the middle of a lake, and no I don�t give a toss if it is, but still.


PS. I can�t stress how much I love the show so please don�t take It the wrong way

I know what you mean I just try and enjoy it for what it is

With a supercharger it’s obviously more powerfull and therefore should be faster but the time was very disapointing. Only a bit faster than the non supoercharged Exige which was on a wet track. What happened ?

Something doesn’t seem quite right.

Any thoughts ?

I learned this week that there are definately a number of Stigs, I would guess that’s what happened. Slower than a Sagaris - tsch!

A yes young David, they do like their slow-mo camera!


definately a number of Stigs

Oh, how�err�deflating, suppose it makes sense really, who/where did you find that from then ?


white is very nice

White is really nice and much faster

… who/where did you find that from then ?

Someone that would know [petty yeah, but people seem rather protective over the Stig this time round, although a Google search (and half a brain to cut through the nonsense) will pretty much tell you two of them]


i posted some screencaps, the stig gets some air in the last one. i didn’t even see it happen whilst watching

Still not sure about the white when it’s all colour coded…good entertainment though…I thought it may a been a little quicker but still impressive…beat the Gallardo at three times the price.

well i loved it great entertainment, i just hope i still have my licence soon so i can buy one.


You been in trouble with Northumbria mate???

White looks fantastic and would be my first choice now! it looks so mean. i can’t belive i am saying that about a s2

looking to loose my licence for dangerous


looking to loose my licence for dangerous


Are you pleading guilty?


definitely looked to be trying to me…

The photography is stunnig this year - don’y know if they have invested in some new hi-def cameras but its a marked contrast to the very poor images Fifth Gear are putting out