Re importing a car from Europe

Anybody know the tax/duty liability on a 10 year old UK made vehicle that was exported within the last 6 months and now could be returned to UK??

Is it’s status officially ‘exported’ on the V5 or listed as SORN while it was on its vacation?

I re-imported a 340R from Germany. As it was originally registered in the UK there was no tax (VAT) to pay. Just get a new MOT and you can re-register the car. I was able to re-use its original number.

Talking about reimporting cars. Did anyone else read about people exporting written off cars that have been repaired. Then reimporting them and they loose the fact that they were written off and are no longer on the register?

No, that’s poo. Grrr

Can you tell a car has been re-imported though? And hence be suspicious.

It arrives back with a nice tan?

DVLA will be able to tell you if a car has been exported and then re-imported. I’ve had a few such cars over the years (usually exported and imported while in my ownership) and I’ve always got the original number back. It’s all well documented.


Is it obvious from the documentation though or would you have to ask?

The obvious clue is if the date of first registration is wildly different to the date of manufacture, simply because it IS possible to get a fresh VRN if the importer doesn’t know about or declare any previous UK registration and the VIN isn’t identical to the one already on the database (whether by accident or design!) -but most would check because if the car has been previously registered in UK then it is exempt national import taxes. The original DVLA record will have an export marker set against it but transcription errors do occur. So, ultimately you may need to ask DVLA to check if there is doubt - they can then check VIN etc. but if the import paperwork is accurate they should pick it up.