Rays Engineering Volk TE37 Gloss Black

Just cancelled my order on a set at Co-ordsport. Standard fit replacement to any S2. They are stunning and very light indeed, available at �1500. I’ve ordered something else off them instead but these specials are coming in any day now if you are interested. AND no you’re not doing me a favor either, they’re just so bloody nice I thought I’d post it!

[image]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll116/jonnyfoxy/TE37.jpg[/image] BUT IN GLOSS BLACK

So what have you ordered instead?

I saw an S2000 with some RE’s in gold at Spa so have gone for the TE’s in Gold too. Means a reorder as they come from Japan but willing to wait another “that’s another” 2 months. My Team Dynamics are in gloss black so want something different and I think it’ll go well with my car colour.

John - only you would end up with 2 pairs of Volks because you fancy a diff colour !!!

Co-ordsport have been really good as for me the wife’s going nuts. She asked what I’d wanted for Christmas so I asked for the Katana Supercharger and she says I have more chance of…LETS PLAY BLANETY BLANK!
