Range of alarm remote

Has anybody tried THIS mod on a european spec car?

I hate the limited range of my remote, I nearly always have to press the button several times while waving the blooming thing around next to the window before it will open.

This sounds like a great mod, but I’m not sure whether it’ll work the same on our cars. Also, I don’t know the best way to locate the alarm unit in the dash.

The standard range is pretty poor. I keep forgetting to try ‘the Clarkson mod’ first, by pressing the remote against the side of the head to increase the range.

Cheaper than 36inch of wire


I keep forgetting to try ‘the Clarkson mod’ first, by pressing the remote against the side of the head to increase the range.

Don’t you also have to open your mouth wide and point in the direction of the car?

The standard range is pretty poor. I keep forgetting to try ‘the Clarkson mod’ first, by pressing the remote against the side of the head to increase the range.

Cheaper than 36inch of wire


I would imagine with the Clarkson method the range increase you could get would be quite substantial

So does nobody know how to locate the alarm unit?

Ive had a look on my old s2 pictures, there were two boxes behind the back shelf however that was a meta system.
Just rung the dealer and they are going to let me know as soon as lunch has finished.


surprise surprise no one rang, so I will look at my manual tonight.

Brandon it says: controller mounted ontop of the scuttlebeam at the passengers (uk)extreame end. Accessible after removal of facia top.

In other words on the left top corner of the dash adjacent the door.


Thanks Gav. Which part is the facia top? Is that the main dash top trimmed in alcantara, or the curved piece at the bottom of the windscreen with the demisting vents in it?

It doesnt say, but looking at the us site im guessing you can get to it from the platic trim with the speaker in, im going to try and have a look this weekend.

Cool. Let us know how you get on.

Brendan, I didnt get chance to look but will do tonight, the dealer rang me back and said its on the drivers side, i seem to remember something behing the instrument pod.

Well its not on the drivers side, as far as i can see it is on the PASSENGER side. To get clear access I would say you do have to remove the dash top, but seeing as ive done this before, and its a pain! im trying to move the air vent pipe over to get too it.
Will let you know how i get on.

Ok, Gav. Sounds like you’re getting there. Good luck!

Well i gave up! unless you have an edless stream of child labour with many expendable fingers then there isnt enought access throught the vent hole to separate the cables! Def a dash top off job.

That’s a shame. Good on you for trying

I hope you didn’t lose too many fingers in the process of trying this

I take it removing the dash top is a pig of a job?

I take it removing the dash top is a pig of a job?

SHOW ME the dashboard

Tim, where were you hiding?!
Brandan, I did on my old s2, its just having to take off all the vents (which always seem to be little buggers) its just a lot of work for so little return. Once ive caught on my sleep i might have another go, the main problem was trying to cut off the tie wrap through such a small hole. Ive been very busy recently so havnt much patience!