Raising the exiges.com level

Keep going is all I can add - I’ll favourite the posts :thumbup:

Thanks Rob999 ! The profile is building!

Something I thought of over the weekend is emulating something that Pistonheads has done quite recently.

They pick a thread that’s either new, or is getting a reasonable amount of activity and they ‘feature it’ on their FB feed. That can both drive people to the forums, or maybe just start a discussion on FB/IG whatever about the topic contents, either way it generates activity and interest.

In the context of Exiges, we don’t get a heavy throughput of new topics - but often long standing ones are updated so maybe a weekly update of a randomly selected thread (the most active/interesting of that given week) with the author’s permission onto IG could generate some traffic.

“Andy has fitted a new backbox to his S2 this week, see how he got on in his forum post here” - with a picture taken from his thread showing a shiny new backbox.

“Kyle has taken his Gearbox out AGAIN, see what he’s breaking this week” - with a picture of him with his head in his hands.

etc etc.


That’s a very good idea actually, I reckon!

So basically a Kyle daily update on gearboxes? :thinking::smile:

I’ll try to mix it up a bit…

An excellent idea!

sounds good!

On it :+1::+1: