Race of Remembrace at Anglesey this weekend

Tommyracer is competing and I’ll have the Exige there for Supercar Saturday driving people round the track with the money going to Help for Heroes.

Good to see any of you there! And it’s on Motors TV.


Pass on my best regards please Mark :thumbup:

Yeah have a great time.

We should have a think about an Exiges entry for 2016…

You might be on to something there mate. Just need to fine someone with a race car that would be up for it :wink:

Tommyracer had the engine blow in his Prelude with 1 hour to go! They’d started in pole for their class & fought up to 3rd overall when the lights went out! Real shame.

There were a couple of Exiges there from SW Lotus (one S1 & one new one plus a lovely Evora).

Raised about £350 I guess for Mission Motor Sport taking punters round the track & trying to wind them up! Pissed own with rain on Saturday morning but brightened up a little in the afternoon.

Lovely weekend until I had to drive to Heathrow Sunday morning to fly to Sweden for work!



Looked like a great event. Real shame the the Prelude let go so close to the end…must have been gutting. It was also a shame that MotorsTV seemed to lose their Live feed as whenever I tuned in they were showing Tractor Pulling :frowning:

Do you know anyone? :smiley:

Shame, well done to all tho.