Race of Champions

Well I have had a pretty good afternoon. Got a call from one of my best mates on Monday “Sean, what you doing on Thursday”, “Not much” I said, " How do you fancy bringing your car down to Wembley stadium and running it round the Race of Champions track for a few hours!!" my mate said.

As you can I guess I was deffo in for that!! The track was layed yesterday, so was pretty slippy, but it was a pretty awesome three hours. There was only 10 cars there, so we got a good dozen or so blasts round. Mine was the only Exige, there was an EVO X MR360, 2 new Skylines, a Viper, my mates Rover 25 race car, and a few pretty mental drift cars. We had the track from 4pm until 7pm, so was under the flood lights. We even had Michelle Mouton give us a safety briefing. All in all a Top afternoon!!!

By the way Exiges don’t fly very well!!!


Will you be on the telly in 2 different shows this weekend then?

Seriously though, sounds like a great experience…suppose you needed some light entertainment after BITUG!

Ooh, Michelle Mouton, that accent, ooh . . .


Fantastic m8!

I was supposed to be visiting but my numpty brother in law cocked up the tickets!!!


Michelle who?

Do you really not know
Michelle La Sheep you mutton head! She was the first (and so far the only) woman to win a round of the World Rally Championship. See more HERE

Hear, Hear. World famous, shapely, WRC winner.

Don’t think much of yours

Well, she’s aged a bit. And so have I!

Just watched this, which I recorded.

Most enjoyable

KTM XBows looked really good on TV I thought However, I’ve seen a few “in the carbon”, & still think they look yuk in real life - probably just me, so no offence intended to those who have/want one.