Yes - In a goddam shit hole hotel in China.

Pics to follow.

Thats working abroad for you… :smiley:

Sounds unpleasant, hope it’s sorted for you soon Andy.

Thanks Rob :slight_smile:

Well Photobucket appears censored and my VPN for work wont connect.

I just loooove this country

Two words…BEER/WINE!

Where are you I often entertain myself there too…?

Nice idea - except they control the food and drink - water only

Is it summat to do with the 20th anniversary of a certain gathering in a large, open, rectangular shaped public place?

No pics yet either, camera confiscated?

Careful as you go, I wouldn’t want to read about the quality of prison food (that is, if chinese prisoners actually get fed).

Best advice is to get the first Air France jet home.

Oh, wait a minute… :crazy:

Got camera phone etc but picture hosting web sites are not accesible.

You tube is also not available - so Chinese TV is all you can get.

Can you email? I can host :wink:

Yeah I can now but really its just a bunch of guys in white suits, masks and goggles ! Not so interesting now I guess - but PM me anyway :smiley:

I dont quite now how Im gonna make 7 days of this if it turns out he has something :frowning:


I dont quite now how Im gonna make 7 days of this if it turns out he [color:#FF0000]drives an S2 [/color]:frowning:[/quote]

Right - I’ve calmed down enough to give the whole story, so if you get in the same situation you know what to expect.

  1. I was sitting 4 rows behind the HOT guy and thats the cut off point - so 4 rows in front and 4 rows behind.
    That includes the airline staff serving that part of the cabin.
    BUT not it seems anyone who was walking through the plane including the front cabin staff and second officer who used the rear toilet who were free to go !

  2. After 1.5 hours on the plane they took us by bus to the hotel near Pudong, except we were at Hongqiao and the driver didnt know how to get there. So he stopped THREE times and got out of the bus and asked the public which way to go !

  3. At the hotel they wanted passports, I refused and told them to talk with the owner of it … confused they said I was - No my government owns it talk with them … at that point they decided a copy was enough

  4. The hotel is CHAINED closed, so ask where the emergency exit is in case of a fire - that too is chained. At this point the Chinese people start to get a bit wound up … anyhow they show me the way to on ethat is not chained.

  5. We are shown to a room and he we are for one night if the guy is ok ( takes 10 hours to confirm it ) or Seven days it he really has the swine flu.

  6. Meals are bought to us and we are only allowed bottled water.

Tell you China is a total joke, I could understand if their precautions added up but they are just following orders.

The world is doomed :astonished:

Hi Andy,
What a total nightmere!!! :angry:

Hope you are totally de-contaminated before you come to collect your car, or will i have to get the white suits and gas mask out to hand over the keys :crazy:


Bad news matey - :astonished: don’t suppose there’s much on telly either :smiley: Motors TV or is it Rickshaw TV over there ?

[quote=ConMcL]Motors TV or is it Rickshaw TV over there ?


PMSL :smiley:

Lol hotel porn charged to the Co CC…works for some people, the red ones actually so you never know…

Mate I know it’s probably living hell an’ all that but the image of you giving it the Mr Angry with the locals :slight_smile:

I’ll get the Tamiflu in just in case you do make it back for lunch next week :wink:

Order a 69 with chow fan takeaway :slight_smile:

I’m not the only one who laughed then. :smiley:

I know it can’t be a good situation but hopefully the 10hrs is up soon and you can get on your way to meet some useless Chinese supplier (If you’ve got time, fancy going and abusing one of mine :slight_smile: )