Quaife Speed Calculator

Ok, so its raining hard today and the roofs leaking becuase the wind blew it away last week and I was away … as usual whats there to do ?While virtually repairing it I came across the Quaife web site ( yes I’m dreaming of a 6 speed box [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/frown.gif[/image] ) anyhow they have a nice speed calculation program in the gearbox section.So entering the Exige std box and the nice quaife 6 speeds and you can see what will make your bonded aluminium fly by plotting the graphs onto each other [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image]No prizes for guessing what wins for keeping revs in the real power band … woof woof

SO when do you get one… ?

Yeah well maybe if the numbers came up [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]

You could sell the motor, then buy the 6 speed gearbox [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]

Cartest2000 is much more fun [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/wink.gif[/image]