QED Windage plate

Hey folks,

Am I missing somthing here? Just ordered a QED windage plate to be used with the standard K series lubrication setup and I cant get the plate to fit properly.

Am I fitting this the right way? windage plate with the 4 ‘tangs’ pointing towards crank bolted on top of the oil ladder? If so, the ‘tangs’ dont seem to fit inside the bearing ladder part very well causing the plate to sit uneven on the ladder.

Help!? :confused:

Have I made the right choice here?

Thanks in advance


It probably needs a little fettling.

TBH the most serious problem on the Elise/Exige is oil surge in the sump, a windage plate wont stop that…


Thanks for the reply Dave.

I’ll fetch the dremel out!

I am planning to purchase a baffle plate sometime in the future.


Hey DVA, what are the best options to stop the oil surge? I seem to remember you were working on a solution? Contemplating adding one to my engine, or perhaps adding it in at a later date (since dropping the sump off is an easy task.

What is the difference between a windage plate, & a baffle, please guys?

Windage tray is like a plate that fits horizontal directly under the crankshaft - stops the oil from flying around the crank at higher revs and is supposed to release a few HP as oil can drag on the crank without one.

Baffles prevent the oil from sloshing around the sump with cornering forces - so imagine those being vertical walls placed in the sump ( not always actually … ) but you get the idea

Cheers Andy

I’m baffled! :smiley:

I have had a small batch of 10 baffle sets made and they have all now been used. Feedback from their use is very positive. I need to make some small mods to help clear the larger LR type oil rail and i will then have a larger batch made.

Baffle plates stop the oil moving away from the pickup so that the oil pump doesnt pump air or cavitate/aerate the oil. Air is not a particularly effective lubricant for crank bearings.


Rob…windage plate/
?..baked beans on toast Mate :cry: :sick: :whistle:

DVA, any idea when these will be ready?

I’d be very keen to have one of these in my engine when it goes together… you know how much I’ve spent on it and protecting that investment is a decently high proiority :slight_smile:

I have just ordered another batch but don’t have a delivery date yet.

It can easily be retrofitted.


Sounds good Dave, keep me posted :slight_smile:

Just to say that I finally have stocks of the baffle kits…


Dave, prices?

Pretty much put my name against one :slight_smile:

Target price is �70

I have plenty in stock.


Dragging an old thread up…

Is it mandatory to get the baffle plates welded in? Seems the oil rail holds everything nicely in place.

