Pure GT

Does anyone belong to the PureGT forum? I went to register but they are only accepting referrals from existing members.

Anyone care to vouch for me…

Does anyone belong to the Pure [color:“blue”]white wheels [/color] forum? I went to register but they are only accepting referrals from existing members.

Anyone care to vouch for me…

I’m on there Ben - feel free to use me as a referrer.

It’s no great thing to be honest… there’s the usual mix of cool people and some very big egos on there.

I’m on there Ben - feel free to use me as a referrer.

It’s no great thing to be honest… there’s the usual mix of cool people and some very big egos on there.

I assume you put me in the former category Dave!!!

Yes like all virtual/online pubs there is a mix of peeps on there, some real, some live a fantasy online life.

Stuttgart bias so another Loti type on there will be good.

Quiet a few resident photographers there.

And you’ll find some of your LoT and Silverstone GT Cup pics on there too.

Quiet a few resident photographers there.

And you’ll find some of your LoT and Silverstone GT Cup pics on there too.

After LOT they are always the biggest referrer to TSU so tbh I’m just interested to see where our pics are used.

I’m guessing they are posting the pics of the 911 with the wheel falling off. It was one of those moments that you realise shooting the wrong side of the fence is bloody dangerous, as one eye watches which way the car is going and one eye watches which way the wheel is going Didn’t stop shooting though naturally

The driver got out and said something to the Marhsall about how he thought his rear suspension had collapsed until the Marshall pointed out that in fact his wheel fell off and was half a mile away

Note the wheel in the background of the pic.

[image]tsuphoto.com - tsuphoto Resources and Information.

I’m on there Ben - feel free to use me as a referrer.

Cheers Dave - appreciated.

and it’s me that posts them on there

There are 5 ET racers and 4 GT cup drivers on there

[image]> tsuphoto.com - tsuphoto Resources and Information.> [/image]

Nigel strikes again!

and it’s me that posts them on there

There are 5 ET racers and 4 GT cup drivers on there

Well done matey - gold star for you

Because the GT races were before the LOT races we actually have a load of nice GT pics that we will put up in a gallery over the weekend.

we will put up in a gallery over the weekend.

Will you have time, seeing as you’ll be cleaning yer wheels?

we will put up in a gallery over the weekend.

Will you have time, seeing as you’ll be cleaning yer wheels?

Nope, coz Martin’s offered to do it before he takes my car to the NEC I think he’s as fed up with cleaning 'em as I am now

Excellent photo mate! Right place, right time, spot on!