Proud new owners!

Mum and Dad are well on the mend now, and are now feeling even better after collecting the S1’s replacement this morning from Lotus Silverstone. A fabulous S3 sport 350. Of course in red with black wheels. Happy Motoring!!

Thank looks lovely, nice car. Congrats
When is the engine swoop taking place? What will be the engine of choice??

That looks fantastic. Good choice :thumbup:

Glad they’re back in a lotus :+1: Enjoy!

Thank the Lord Almighty, I’d heard rumours they’d bought an S2 with one of those shitty sounding superchargers :mrgreen:

That looks fantastic! What a purchase.

Great news, and the happy couple both look well too.

Brilliant! Didn’t take long . . . and looking well,too.

Great choice and good to see back in Lotus again :slight_smile:

Lovely motor - just what the Doctor ordered :slight_smile:

Fantastic :smiley: Looking forward to seeing it.

Good to see them back behind the wheel, nice choice of car

Yeah I want his details for future reference :smiley:

Congrats. Fab to see them both looking well :+1:t2:

Lovely looking , very standard, car.
What’s the life expectancy of OEM?

Lovely. Didn’t know you could get Exiges prescribed on the nhs.