Private Trackday Blyton October 7th

Following a successful private Trackday at Blyton earlier in the year, a few of us are returning on the 7th October.

It’s a private event limited to around 20 cars & predominantly Lotus ( or Lotus community members ).

We need a couple more cars to make it viable - anyone fancy it? Cost is £170 per car.


I would be interested :slight_smile:

if I get the engine re-built in time, otherwise i could bring the wifes MX5 LOL

What’s the drive by and static Simon?

they don’t have a static, and i believe the drive by is 98db.

Not sure on noise - it is very noise friendly from what I’ve seen ( Exige 380 Cup with no issues ). No static tests either.

I’d suggest you’ll be fine for noise.

Thanks for the interest :+1:t3:

noise meter is on the start finish corner about 10 meters back from the track.
My 3Eleven noise tests 105db @5250rpm (3/4 max) static at Croft.
At Blyton, If i use 2nd gear and full throttle i get the noise man asking me to make changes, so i now use 3rd gear at that corner and all is ok
We all know that the 3Eleven is a shrinking violet of a car and not that load, but will give you some idea

Cheers guys

I’ve been told it’s 95db at 20 metres

So probably about as noise friendly as it gets, certainly from my last couple of visits, it does seem ok.

I’d be on this like a tramp on chips, but October weekdays are a PITA for me :frowning:

I could be up for this, but either need to stay with a friend in Nottingham or find somewhere decent to stay nearby.

Stuff it… will sort something, put me down for it please

Thanks for the expressions of interest guys- really appreciated.

For those wishing to proceed, would you kindly send me a private message with your email details & full name, and I’ll get you added to the booking circulation list.

Many thanks.