Private Track Day

Thinking of hiring Castle Coombe for the day or an alternative standard. Looking for about 10 - 15 cars at a few hundred quid each, no profit wanted, possibly mid September during the week, any one interested?

AntJust read your post, so haven’t had much time to think about it. However, a couple of things immediately cross my mind:Castle Combe - not Exige friendly on the noise front!You may be “exposing” yourself as a trackday promoter, & that could have legal implications if there were an “incident”. Such implications being “legals” from either the circuit owners (e.g. if barriers etc are damaged), or participants.In practice, an “open pitlane” day, with a recognised promoter, will give almost (if not everyone!) enough time out on track in a single day. I have regularly clocked up around 150 track miles in a day, & that’s just about enough for both myself & car. Economies of scale, plus the often on-going commercial relationship of the promoter with the circuit owners, usually provide participants with pretty good value for money (�100 to �200 is about the going rate, depending upon circuit & time of year) Over the past couple of years, we have collectively managed to get 20-25 of us all at the same trackday, by posting details on this bbs. The next “big” day is scheduled for Anglesey on 28th Sept with Bookatrack.Sorry if I appear negative - trust me I’m not - I’m just thinking out aloud that we may be already achieving what you have in mind, by “piggy backing” on advertised trackdays. I would welcome your further thoughts/views, as I’m keen to join in future trackdays. [image][/image] [This message has been edited by Pesky (edited 21 August 2002).]

Thanks for your thoughts. The reason behind the idea was that I had been on a few private days, just a few cars and it was great. No kids in Novas and that trying to take me out. Its a bit expensive but hopefully a friend of mine would organise it for us. He runs a race team and is pretty well known for this kind of thing, I guess I can sort maybe 5 to 10 friends with cars and a few from this site would make it worth while. I go away on holiday at the weekend but would look at it more when I get back. Ill see what the interest is but it would be good to meet up with other owners. Have you any further details on the track day your talking about?

AntI like the idea - keep us posted [image][/image]See seperate thread “Anglesey 28 Sept”.Have a good holiday, too [image][/image]