It is good times at the moment for Exiges. How long this pattern will continue, I don’t know to be honest, but I would think until V6 prices get down to the same level, anyone buying an Exige would be safe in the Knowledge that they are not going to be loosing any serious money.
I think two things really keep the prices up. Firstly they are rare with a limited supply which constantly goes down due to export and accident damage. Secondly, most owners have them as toys or third cars and when it comes to selling never need a quick sale and hold out for top money. If you want proof of this look how long some S1 Exiges have been on pistonheads, weeks, months. Normal car sellers cannot wait that long.
So prices are good, but be prepared to wait for a sale at top price, of course, some people always get lucking with a quick sale but the average is long.