
TykeIf you want the best of both worlds - Good tarmac and plenty of run off at an airfield - try Preswold Hall - just watch the noise limit [image][/image]

Andy where is Preswold and who runs it?SimonE[This message has been edited by tyke (edited 30 April 2003).]

Loughborough and Bookatrack - 10 Spaces left for this Friday - open pit lane - so only 20 people there so far …Guess it will rain - so …

AndyCheers for the info, v handy circuit - unfortunately Friday can’t do - do you reckon there may do further events later in the year?SimonE

Yep we’ll be there approx once a month. Next one will be Friday 6th June. Where possible we’re going to try and tie them in with the Elvingtons so it’s likely to be the first Friday of every month.J5BaT