Pressed the button!

Hi Guys!

Kid in a candy shop time and have to share this!

I pressed the button on finally getting an Evora!

Mega car, mega excited! :smiley: :smiley:

Since I drove an Evora S1, and later a 400 about 2 years ago, I have been hooked on the Evora as a ‘grown up’ Lotus! But whilst I loved the power of the 400, I personally thought the interior styling was quite bland compared with the much more ‘special’ feeling ‘S1’ versions!

Found this fully specced ‘Sports Racer’ with just 6,300 miles and could not refuse! Selling my Landrover Defender to fund this, so I can keep my Type 49! A total no brainer now as SWMBO hates the Defender and it is sitting in the garage doing no miles!

<LINK_TEXT text=“YouTube … kdKcJms9so”>YouTube is not currently available on this device. - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>

(Make sure you view it in the YouTube ‘full screen’ mode!)


Pete. :mrgreen:


Very nice Pete, and well done on keeping the Elise.

Yes nice Pete, well done all round buddy.

Cheers guys!

Back home in late April… shame I will miss Anglesey.

Enjoy the cold… think of the extra BHP!

Well done Pete that looks lovely that :sunglasses:

You’ll have to know when you’re back and we should organise a get together. You’ll have the dilemma of which Lotus to bring :smiley:

Wonderful, Pete. Great choice, lovely vid. Sports Racer one of my favourites.

Cheers guys! Yep, very pleased! :smiley:

I have been ‘watching’ this car for a few months now, plus others on PH that have come and gone and stayed! The dealer seems excellent, very professional.

The SR has so much extra ‘kit’ and I like the N/A power unit more. Easily tuneable to 300BHP at some point.

Best bit is SWMBO can get in/out and thinks it a ‘real’ car!!!

Looking forward to it!

Nice car Pete!!

Or to over 400bhp and 360ft/lb torque with the SSC TVS1900 s/c :crazy: :wink:

Interesting! But it looks like it’s only for the already SC versions?

<LINK_TEXT text=“YouTube … J63X9XQL9Y”>YouTube is not currently available on this device. - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>

That amazing ‘bridge’ and the twisty forrest road are just North of Wollongong (about 40 miles South of Sydney), where I used to live. Great roads… but with a 60 KPH (33 MPH) speed limit! If that guy had been ‘caught’ by the rozzers doing at that 'highly dangerous and reckless speed, he would (seriously!!) now be in jail!! :shock: :cry:

Did not stop me in my little Abarth SC having a play very early one morning however! :sunglasses: I am sure Andy D has been there as well!

Scroll down on the link, a chap in Aus has converted his NA :sunglasses:

Good choice Pete, I would seriously like a GT430 but the price in OZ is …
That road is awesome, in fact that whole area and through the National Park is fabulous drive …
Maybe moving back up there later in year …

Very nice buy Pete :slight_smile:

Great choice Pete you will love it mate.

Mine could be your Evora / Elise love child at the moment :smiley:

2018-03-01 12.16.36 by S, on Flickr

WTF is going on with all this SNOW guys! :open_mouth:

Was down at Cottesloe Beach in Perth today for a swim… 32c and sunny (again … yawn!) And just finished the BBQ! :laughing:

Indeed it is Andy!

Seriously, I was driving my Abarth through the NP twisties 2 years ago… 7pm, nothing on the road apart from a few wallabies and bugs! But around a corner, was Mr Rozzer, hiding behind a tree with his radar! ABS is quite useful at times, I managed to get it down from … to 68 KPH (A 60 KPH zone in 90% of this amazing park!). We had a ‘chat’… luckily he liked Abarth’s and I was let loose. Would have been my 3rd ticket for being ‘reckless’ at 65 KPH!

I totally HATE the police state in NSW! It was settled 250 years ago as a convict colony, policed by police. Not much has changed since then, either in the convicts, or the police!! :crazy:

Mini rant over!! :laughing: I am in W.A now… only seen 2 cop cars in 2 years! :sunglasses:

wait until you get back to UK “Stealth” speed cameras on at least half of the M25 and on M1 and M 6…and we have a growing population of 67 mill all tryinig to get on the roads at the same time.
When I came to East Anglia 15 years ago it was beautifully quiet …now it takes me 10 mins to cross the road in my little( soon to double in size)! village .
.Suppose I need a supercharged Zimmer frame then.!
Give us a shout when you get back.
Have fun