you do have yer own parliament… its down south somewhere in a place called westminster - i think there’s an abbey near it or something

Full of people making decisions about stuff they have no understanding of… speed, taxes, drugs, crime, health… they seem to know a thing or two about raising cash tho and then p1551ng it down the drain… they should give it to us to buy Nitrons and Superchargers and sequential gearboxes and tyres and brakes and stuff

Whoooa - Vote Rox for Chancellor of the Exchequer

yeh get speed bumps banned and all road ‘safety’ cameras replaced by more cops who have better things to do with their time…

you do have yer own parliament… its down south somewhere in a place called westminster

And it only has English MPs in it ?? No scots or welsh ?

you do have yer own parliament… its down south somewhere in a place called westminster

And it only has English MPs in it ?? No scots or welsh ?

pah… a mere technicality… the country is being administered by scots anyway…